
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Little Jack Kerouac

Evan in Daddy's glasses

Today I'm giving my blog over to a very special guest - Evan.
You’d have to know my kid, with all his quirks and uniqueness, to understand how a five year old just randomly drops poems like this on my desk.
Popping into our lives at mid-life, he is our very unexpected gift. At one-year old, before he could even speak in sentences, he was obsessed with Maya Angelou and would drag her books around the house like a security blanket. At one and a half, he was reciting the alphabet, backwards. He’s been reading since he was two. By the time he was three he had memorized all the countries of the world- in alphabetical order, which he liked to recite while jumping on a trampoline. At four he was fascinated with the Japanese and Korean alphabet, which he taught himself by searching them out on You Tube.
At five, he is interested in the inner workings of the human body, and has a penchant for poetry. He wrote me a book for my birthday- illustrated it too. And of course he came up with a nom de plume – Shane Deckwen. At this rate, he will most likely get an agent before I do.
Anyhow, here is a poem he wrote me last night. I have transcribed it exactly as he wrote it, misspellings, capitalizations etc…
Dim the lights, put on a beret and snap your fingers….Here comes Little Jack.
2 A.M. Timer
Basket Full of Candy
You know
Like some
People Don’t
Like each other
1 of them
has been
I can’t get over “Furious Camelsuit”. What a brilliant name for a band – or a book of short stories…probably his, when he gets published, which will most likely be when he’s….oh about Seven.
Here is Evan at three years old reciting the countries of Africa on his trampoline.


  1. aaaaaaaaah! Hilarious. I love Furious Camelsuit and Rost Beast!

  2. Adorable. A real delight in person.

  3. omg omg omg omg. Just showed Michele so we could ogle your brilliant poppet together. The poem, the video???!! Genius -- but with a heart and soul and empathy. Sending him virtual kisses!

  4. Love this! Quirky rocks!!!! Happy birthday lil' man! Have a VERY special day!!!

  5. First of all…..WOW!!!!! Yep, you got little scholar there Hollye. Handsome, highly intelligent and the cutest personality…..and I'll bet a little bit of naughtiness thrown in the mix…Perfection!!! oxoxoxo

    PS: loved the video….amazing!!!


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