
Monday, February 28, 2011

Thank You

Sunny California has been plagued by gray skies and downpours for the past week, reflecting the mood in my spirit a little too well. Although I know the sun is still there, ever present, sometimes I need to see that tiny sliver of light peeking out from the dark to remind me this is only a storm passing through. I need that silver lining. And this week, you all stepped up to be that ray of hope for Troy and I. 

After our miscarriage, I took a chance sharing my truth about it, in hopes that it might help someone else to feel less alone. I experienced a momentary sense of panic after posting, but when my inbox began to fill up, I knew I had made the right choice.  I was overwhelmed by messages and emails from people sharing their tender stories with me. Some were friends, many were strangers (now friends). Women had lost babies in miscarriage, at birth, some had grieved for decades over babies lost to abortion or adoption, men shared their own experiences of loss after their wives miscarriages, mothers helped daughters through baby loss, some had lost children to suicide.

I was overcome. Your beautiful stories of loss and hope have transformed me forever. This confirms what I have always said about the human race- every single person has an amazing story of heart-stopping wonder, but the question is…will we ever hear them? I was privileged to hear so many of yours this week. I feel the thread that connects us at our humanity- the “common thread” as my beautiful friend Kristine Van Raden calls it, weaving through you, through me, throughout the world, showing me how we are all connected at heart. I am deeply, deeply grateful.

Troy and I thank you for holding us in a safety net of love and kindness, not only through this past week, but through all the trying times we’ve faced in the past year. It’s true that tragedy really brings out the best or the worst in people. Fortunately, in the friends we’ve chosen, it’s brought out the very best of the best. I find myself at a loss for words (I’ll bet you never thought that would happen) so I will simply say…

Thank you, every one of you, for being our silver lining in a dark sky.


  1. stop making me cry. stop it.
    i love you.

  2. You make it easy to be your friend and provide you a silver lining or any color for that matter.

  3. Love and kindness. Karma does come around sometimes it's just a little different than you expected. Hugs and love Hollye, hugs and love.

  4. You live and write with amazing grace. Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. Wow. I believed completely that you would touch women everywhere by sharing this story. But I'm also heartened that it triggered such a groundswell of revelation. When you say: "every single person has an amazing story of heart-stopping wonder, but the question is…will we ever hear them? " Now, thanks to you, so many silent ones have felt safe enough to be heard. So much love to you. xoxo


I love hearing your point of view- thank you for taking the time to comment and be part of the conversation!