
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I realize there couldn’t be a worse time to have a mini-crisis, with all that is going on in the world. Nevertheless, here we are. For those of you who haven’t followed the story this past year, my husband and I are being sued for adopting an abandoned dog. Turns out the “abandoners” boyfriend changed his mind and now wants the dog back, or perhaps just sees this as a way to make money, since he’s suing us for theft and $25,000 in damages (supposed emotional distress). 

So far the process has dragged out over a year, with us paying thousands to defend ourselves in this frivolous lawsuit. Even though he has no legal claim to our dog Stitich, and no paperwork to prove the dog ever belonged to him, (the dog has been microchipped and licensed in our name since 2007) in California, he has the right to drag us through court. Through this experience, we have learned just how screwed up our justice system is. It is a travesty that tax payer dollars will be spent on this ridiculous case, not to mention all that we’ve spent personally, and will most likely never get back, even when we win.

This, on top of all the terrible luck we had in 2010, has financially drained us. So we are launching our SAVE STITCH website today, selling music, art, books, Dior products, High-end haircare products…100% of sales go to Stitch’s defense fund.

Stitch is a member of our family, and my little boy’s very best friend. Please visit our webstore, and help us SAVE STITCH!

If we are lucky enough to make more than we need to pay our defense team, we will happily donate to Japan relief efforts – a tragedy very dear to our hearts. 


  1. Are you kidding?! Whatever you need!!
    xo B

  2. So much love sent your way! I feel your pain to my soul. <3

  3. SO in. Good luck, we are all behind you...

  4. My commission on this t-shirt is yours--

    My share's only 5-10%, sadly, but maybe we can start a trend in "Save Our Stitch"-wear. :) To Hollye's loyal friends and followers, if you want a shirt or hoody to show your support, you can buy it just like this, or customize the design or text, or put it on a different shirt or sweatshirt, or leave me comments on the page and I can design one the way you want it--as well as put your Stitch photo and slogan on buttons, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, key chains, whatever. I'm also donating 50% of the proceeds from sales of any of my other Zazzle products in the next month. Go Stitch!

  5. Whoops; when I tried to order, there wasn't an option for shipping outside the U.S.

  6. Oops! I apologize for that oversight, my Canadian friends!! I will figure that out and put the option up.


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