
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Metamorphosis and Metaphor

Spring, my favorite time of year, is a time of rebirth, a time of awakening, of new growth. A hopeful crocus pokes it’s head above the snow. Fields of flowers appear overnight, seedpods burst open. A caterpillar emerges from its chrysalis as if to say- “Look at me! I begin again- I am alive!”

Two weeks ago, Evan and I adopted a caterpillar from Kidspace, a local children’s science center. It’s been quite an exciting experience for us to watch “Tiny”, who started out smaller than a grain of rice, rapidly outgrow his name, becoming a pudgy wriggling 2 inch caterpillar. Yesterday, we awoke to find Tiny encased in a chrysalis. Inside, his former self melts away as a new being is formed. In a matter of days, he will emerge from his Chrysalis and unfurl his wings.

Every stage of Tiny’s short life has been fascinating for Evan, and metaphoric for me.

Our traditions at this time of Spring equinox, from the biblical tales of Passover to Jesus’ resurrection, to symbols of birth and new beginnings (rabbits, eggs) remind us that it’s time for our own new beginnings. It’s my time to find redemption for the ways I was broken, to emerge from my own self-made chrysalis and stretch my wings.

For the first thirty years of my life, I hid the story of who I was: the daughter of a convict, raised by a single mom who worked nights in dark, smoky nightclubs. I was the little girl lost, the runaway, the bird with a broken wing. In my forties, I wrapped myself in the chrysalis of introspection, immersed myself in my own unraveling. I wrote a book embracing the truth of who I was and where I came from, allowing the old me to melt away with every word.

As Tiny sheds his chrysalis, I, too, want to shed what I have wrapped myself in for so long.

I want to see what color I am now without that old story wrapped around me. I want to let my true self emerge, the self that has no scars or history, the self that embraces all possibility. I want to leave behind the cocoon of limiting beliefs and self-defeating patterns. I want to let go of my past and let my wings unfurl.

Like Tiny, I want to be light, like the butterfly who rises above, spends her days moving from flower to flower, pollinating the garden, helping new things to grow.

My heart is ripe for a Spring awakening. During this time of rebirth and redemption, I open myself to new beginnings full of possibility.

I wish the same for you...

Happy Easter, Happy Passover, Happy Spring to all!

UPDATE: Today, April 14th, Evan's caterpillar Tiny emerged from the chrysalis!


  1. At this very moment, I want to be that caterpillar/butterfly!!!!!! Thank you Hollye……I know there is always hope!!! I cling to it……through the tears and sadness….♥♥♥

    1. You are just in the dark chrysalis right now Georgie. You can't see your way out. But it's only because you are in the process of becoming someone new.
      Believe it.

  2. gorgeous. what a glorious description of are all that and a bag o' chips.

  3. Just the column I was in the mood for! Thank you, Hollye! I've been sick for two weeks and long for rebirth! It's been hard not to feel well enough to look at the baby lettuces! This inspires me to make the effort.

  4. Oh so glad Judy- you can't neglect the baby lettuces! and just in step with this column today- TINY HATCHED! He is now a beautiful butterfly. We just released him in the yard.

  5. Dearest Hollye, Here it is! You have the answers. Post it all over your house, in your car, in your hiking boots, in your drawers, on top of your keyboard, as a screensaver.... "I want to leave behind the cocoon of limiting beliefs and self-defeating patterns. I want to be light, like the butterfly who rises above, spends her days moving from flower to flower, pollinating the garden, helping new things to grow." But instead of "I want," replace those two words with, "I AM." This is beautifully written and very inspirational.

    1. Thank you, darling Cheryl. Okay...I AM.
      And YOU ARE the butterfly who always inspires.


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